The Regulations of Tivoli Gardens

Park Regulations of Tivoli Gardens
To make sure you have the best possible experience in Tivoli, we have made some simple rules, which we kindly ask you to observe.
Unless otherwise stated, please refer to the Statutory Order on the Police in Copenhagen ('politibekendtgørelsen'). Anyone infringing these regulations may be refused admission. Serious cases will be reported to the police.
We thank you for your understanding, and hope you enjoy your visit to Tivoli.
General Information
- Tivoli is a pedestrian area.
- Visitors with functional impairments may bring an electric or manual wheelchair. Bicycles, mopeds, roller skates, skateboards, scooters etc. are not permitted in the Gardens.
- Dogs may not be brought into Tivoli, except for during the annual "Dogs' Day" event. Guide dogs are permitted.
- Show consideration for others – look after yourself, your children and your belongings.
- Contents of bags and pockets must be shown to Tivoli attendants upon request.
- Instructions from Tivoli employees must be obeyed.
- Collection of bottles and recyclable cups etc. in the Gardens is not permitted. Only recyclable cups that you yourself have purchased may be cashed in. Fraud involving Tivoli's cup recycling scheme will be reported to the police. Picking up items from Tivoli's waste bins is not permitted.
- It is not permitted to bring in objects that may be used as a weapon: these may be confiscated and handed over to the police.
- It is not permitted to be visibly intoxicated within Tivoli or to annoy others by shouting, inappropriate behaviour, and so on.
- Children under the age of 18 may not consume alcoholic beverages in the Gardens.
- Bare feet and a bare upper body are not permitted; shoes and clothing must be worn throughout your visit.
- Littering with paper and waste, pollution in general and vandalism of buildings, ornamentation, equipment or other items is not permitted.
- Erecting placards and distributing brochures is not permitted.
- Agitation and political propaganda are not permitted.
- It is not permitted to pick flowers or plants within the Tivoli Gardens.
- Please use the Gardens' toilets for both adults and children.
- Tivoli is smoke-free, but our guests can find two zones for smoking. The zones are clearly marked with smoking signs, and in Tivoli's garden map.
- Tivoli regards E-cigarettes as equate to ordinary cigarettes. Thus, Tivoli's smoking policy also applies to E-cigarettes.
- In case of mishaps, in high season we have a trained emergency nurse on-site during opening hours. Out of high season we have an emergency nurse at the weekends. Contact the nearest employee for assistance.
Guests that use Tivoli's rides must comply with the rules signposted by the individual ride and follow instructions from the Tivoli staff, including the following:
- Certain rides have age, height and health restrictions – always read the guidelines for the individual rides.
- You may ONLY get on and off when the ride has come to a standstill, and in the area intended for this purpose. Alighting from a ride after it has begun moving is strictly forbidden and may be highly dangerous.
- Loose objects must not be taken onto the rides.
- Acting carelessly and recklessly in a way that could put you and others in danger is not permitted.
- Safety bars and other safety equipment must not be loosened or otherwise disabled once the ride has started moving.
- It is not permitted to use Tivoli's rides when under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.
- Smoking, eating or drinking on the rides is not permitted.
- General queuing rules should always be observed for rides. Intimidation, pushing or cheating in queues is not permitted.
- All rides in Tivoli are inspected and approved annually by the Copenhagen Police Department, as required by Danish regulations. Tivoli is liability insured in Denmark with the insurance company Alm. Brand, located at Midtermolen 7, 2100 Copenhagen. Should you experience any injurie during a ride, please contact a member of the staff immediately.
- All forms of aggressive behavior are prohibited.
- Threatening or violent behaviour towards other visitors or Tivoli personnel will be reported to the police.
- Theft and vandalism, actual or attempted, will be reported to the police.
- Tivoli reserves the right to refuse access to or eject individuals or groups who, through their clothing or general behaviour, appear to be making trouble.
- Lighting and use of fireworks or other forms of pyrotechnics is not permitted.
Concerts and shows
- It is not permitted to use professional or semi-professional audio, photo or video equipment when attending performances and concerts, including single-lens reflex cameras with interchangeable lenses, zoom lenses or the like. Staff instructions must always be adhered, even under circumstances where rules may be unclear.
- Cordoned off areas must be respected.
- "Crowd-surfing" and "moshpits" are not allowed.
- Please show consideration for other visitors, and follow the instructions of security personnel.
Access to Tivoli Gardens
Tivoli can be accessed during opening hours upon production of a valid ticket or pass. If you leave Tivoli and wish to return to the Gardens later, they must exit through Tivoli Food Hall and receive a re-entry stamp from the Tivoli guard. However, during major events in the Garden, it is not possible to obtain a re-entry stamp.
Food and beverage
It is allowed to bring your own food and non-alcoholic beverages in Tivoli. It can be enjoyed on the Open Air Stage lawn, the garden areas along HC Andersens Boulevard and on our benches.