The Tivoli Youth Guard’s End-of-Summer Tradition

The Tivoli Youth Guard’s End-of-Summer Tradition
A Magical Farewell: The Tivoli Youth Guard’s End-of-Season Ceremony
As summer draws to a close and Tivoli approaches the end of its season, you can experience one of the Tivoli Youth Guard’s most beautiful and time-honored ceremonies—an unforgettable farewell tradition marking the end of summer.
The ceremony begins on The Lawn, where the Tivoli Youth Guard’s standard-bearer rolls up the flag while the traditional signal "Tapto" is played. This historic signal originates from an old military tradition used to call soldiers back to their barracks at the end of the day. "Tapto" is played three times—first out over The Lawn, then to each side, symbolizing a solemn farewell to the summer season.
Following this symbolic beginning, the Tivoli Youth Guard marches through a darkened Tivoli, dressed in elegant blue uniforms and carrying flaming torches that illuminate their path. Along the way, they fill the Gardens with atmospheric singing, creating a deeply moving and magical experience as they make their way through the park.
This special ceremony is a beautiful and solemn tradition, marking the end of yet another enchanting summer season in Tivoli. It is an evening filled with both nostalgia and beauty—a moment where music, tradition, and Tivoli’s unique magic come together in an unforgettable farewell.
The Garden
Free with Tivoli Entrance
The Garden
Free with Tivoli entrance