Tivoli Lux

Tivoli Lux er fordelsprogrammet for dig med Tivolikort.

Unlock Tivoli Lux benefits

Tivoli Lux is the benefit program for Tivoli Pass holders, providing access to exclusive advantages and discounts both during and outside Tivoli’s seasons.

Find de aktuelle Tivoli Lux fordele i Tivoli-appen.

Tivoli Lux in your pocket

Access all your Tivoli Lux benefits easily and conveniently – right in your pocket within our app.

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Current Benefits

Welcome to a world of benefits! Here are the current Tivoli Lux perks you can enjoy as a Tivoli Pass holder.

Tivoli Pass
Du får adgang til fordelene i Tivoli Lux, når du køber et Tivolikort.

Get access to exclusive benefits

Buy a Tivoli Pass and unlock benefits