Filming & photo shoots permission

TV and Film Crews
If you wish to film or take photos in Tivoli, you must first apply for filming permission from the Communications Department. Written permission from Tivoli Brand & Communications is required for any TV or film recordings, as well as professional photography assignments, within Tivoli Gardens.
Tivoli Gardens as a Location
To utilise Tivoli Gardens as a location for filming or photography, please submit an application by completing the form below and sending it to
In addition to the completed form, your email should include a description of the proposed shoot, its requirements, and its intended use. We will then review your request, assess its feasibility and any associated costs, and make the necessary arrangements (potentially after a consultation to discuss the shoot in more detail).
On the day of filming, you will be required to sign a permit in duplicate – one copy for your records and one for ours.
Please allow three business days for processing your application.

Filled out forms should be sent to as a word-document.
Permits for filming
Conditions for filming for television and/or cinema/media
Permits are only issued by Tivoli Brand & Communications.
Recordings may only be used for the stated purpose, and in any circumstances only for drama, film or editorial purposes.
Recordings from concerts and performances initiated by the artist/the performer(s) may be used on the artist's/the performer's or performers' own social media channels in relation to the specific concert/performance in Tivoli and subject to Tivoli's approval of the images.
The production company/media is responsible for complying with applicable rules regarding sponsored content on social media.
The production company/the media refunds Tivoli for all costs associated with wages for attendants, workmen, electricians, etc., and for all electricity, cordoning off of areas, cleaning, and so on that Tivoli judges to be necessary as a result of the recordings. Recordings outside Tivoli’s opening hours always require an escort from Tivoli.
The production company/the media undertakes to comply with Tivoli's general code of conduct and to obey all instructions issued by representatives of Tivoli. Tivoli reserves the right to interrupt the recordings at any time, including if the nuisance caused to the public is greater than anticipated, or if so required in Tivoli's estimation by special events or other circumstances. Should Tivoli interrupt the recordings, the production company/the media may not claim damages from Tivoli or refuse to refund the costs that have thus far been incurred.
The production company/the media takes unconditional responsibility for any losses that arise, directly or indirectly, from the recordings, and the production company/the media undertakes to fully indemnify Tivoli for any losses and claims that may be brought against Tivoli as a result of the recordings, including by Tivoli's visitors/audience, staff, tenants and artists. Tivoli refers to current and future legislation on artistic copyright. Any claims by artists etc. shall be paid by the production company/the media, even if the latter did not personally engage the former to participate in the recording.
This permit must be presented on request.
The permit does NOT exempt the production company/the media from reaching the necessary special agreements with tenants, musicians, etc., and from obtaining permission from individuals who appear in the images; cf. general legal principles regarding individual image rights.
Please send your form to as a word-document.